School Improvement Council (SIC)
SIC is a broad-based community advisory group comprised of parents, teachers, and community members established in every school. This advisory group works with the principal to cultivate a positive school environment supporting student success.
SIC Meeting Agendas & Minutes
- October 17th, 2024
- November 21st, 2024
- December 19th, 2024
- January 16th, 2024
- February 20th, 2024
- March 20th, 2024
- April 17th, 2024
- May 15th, 2024
October 17th, 2024
JPES School Improvement Council Meeting
Thursday, October 17, 2024 Dr. Priscilla Johnson, Principal
Meeting Agenda
- Call to Order & Welcome – Dr. Johnson
- SLT & SIC Introductions
- Tell Me Something Good – “Good Things”
- Principal’s Update – SCDE Report Card Rating, Capturing Kids’ Hearts
- PTA Notes and Updates
- Nominations & Selection of Officers
- Approval of Bylaws
- Future Business
Setting 24-25 Goals
Upcoming Parenting and Community Events
Upcoming SIC Meetings
Date |
Time |
Location |
October 17 |
7:30 AM |
Media Center |
November 21 |
8:45 AM |
Principals’ Conference Room |
December 19 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
January 16 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
February 20 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
March 20 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
April 17 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
May 15 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting: November 21
JPES SIC Meeting Notes October 17th, 2024
1. Updates from Dr. Johnson
a. School Report Card Rating and Meaning- EXCELLENT!
b. Reviewed Capturing Kids Heart
2. Tell me something Good:
a. Members shared about their students and how they enjoyed being at the school.
b. We praised PTA for all they are doing! We are so happy to have them!
3. PTA Updates
a. Fundraisers are going well
i. Boosterthon is coming up in November.
b. Dances are returning this year!
c. Muffins with Moms & Donuts with Dads- sweet treats with your children are coming back
d. Reviewed Committees
4. Reviewed Chairs: We will elect at the next meeting. The term for each chair: 1 year if you are appointed, 2 years if you are elected.
a. Secretary
b. Vice Chairman
c. Chairman- Ms. Edwards
5. Reviewed Bylaws
6. Goals for the year:
a. College and Career Readiness
i. Will hold a career fair in February. Ms. Edwards will email out a spreadsheet from everyone to work off of the businesses contacted.
ii. Math Goal- unlearn to relearn speaker series
1. Organize various times or create them to put on social media to have access to when needed or when parents are available (bite sized videos).
November 21st, 2024
Thursday, November 20th
Dr. Priscilla Johnson, Principal
Ms. Melody Chabala, Assistant Principal Ms. Lindsey Hallock, Assistant Principal
Meeting Agenda
- Introductions
- Good Things (Share something good happening for you, your child(ren), etc.)
- Review of Meeting Minutes (October 17)
- Principals’ Update
- PTA Update
- Nominations (Secretary, Vice-Chair)
- Review of 24-25 Goals (Planning Spreadsheet – Ms. Edwards)
- Concerns, Suggestions, Questions
- Headshots (We will take pictures of our council to post on our website and social media pages.)
- Adjournment
Date |
Time |
Location |
October 17 |
7:30 AM |
Media Center |
November 21 |
8:45 AM |
Principals’ Conference Room |
December 19 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
January 16 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
February 20 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
March 20 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
April 17 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
May 15 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
- Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting: December 19th
JPES SIC Meeting Notes November 21st, 2024
1. Updates from Dr. Johnson
a. Boosterthon updates
b. Reviewed minutes from last meeting.
2. Tell me something Good:
a. We met our school goal for Boosterthon- Thank you to our PTA for all of their hard work!
b. We will be showcased at the School Board Meeting
i. Third grade Book Buddies from last year highlighted
c. Library Updates
i. Beanstack program/ exceeded our yearly school goal. Students are so excited!
ii. 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade Book Clubs/ spent 6 weeks reading The Wild Robot and took 60 students to see the movie.
iii. Stations – Service-Learning stations in the Library to give back to the community. Ideas include: Cards to Nursing homes, enrichment toys for the local pet shelter.
3. PTA Updates
a. We met our goal for Boosterthon ($30,000) (Thank you to our PTA)
4. Reviewed Chairs:
a. The term for each chair: 1 year if you are appointed, 2 years if you are elected.
i. Secretary- Ashlee Rollison
ii. Vice Chairman – Virginia Sayer
iii. Chairman- Ashley Edwards
5. Goals for the year:
a. College and Career Readiness
i. Ms. Edwards is working on a spreadsheet of various career clusters and contacts that will be shared at our next meeting.
b. Math Goal
1. Series name: Unlearn to relearn
2. Organize various times or create them to put online to have access to when needed or when parents are available (bite sized videos)
3. Ideas for a Math Series for parents:
*Name: Unlearn to Relearn
*Reason for goal: Our Math model has changed. During one part, students are partnering with students and working on a math task with manipulatives. Number talks are discussions with teachers and students to look at numbers and have discussions. Academic Vocabulary is being used in the Math classrooms.
*Format: In person & recorded and shared virtually for parents/Split up: K-2 and 3-5.
*Event Details: Friday- Bring your parent to school day/Math and Reading – two groups. One group will read with a cozy blanket in the Library with students, and one group will do “unlearn to relearn” math series in the Café. They will switch after the session.
i. Dates: January 10th (K-2) and January 17th (3-5)
ii. Times: Right after dismissal
c. Social Media: Showcase what is going on in the school.
6. Other Business: How do you feel about communication at the school? Do you have a good sense of what is going on in our school?
*Feedback: Newsletters are helpful. Teacher newsletters are also helpful. Parents also must also look at information.
*We can advertise SIC and PTA meetings more to get more participation. We should remind parents that anyone can come to these meetings. SIC – Third Thursday of the month. Suggestion: emphasize that you can come without being given tasks to do.
7. School Updates:
a. December will be a heavy testing month.
i. Common Assessments in ELA and Math (10-15 questions, do students really grasp this concept. No grades/ just for teacher information for instruction).
ii. MAP Testing will be the second week in December in Math and ELA. (Add to School Newsletter with testing tips)
Next meeting is December 19th: We will discuss the Career Fair and review the Career Cluster Spreadsheet from Ms. Edwards.
December 19th, 2024
Thursday, December 19th
Dr. Priscilla Johnson, Principal
Ms. Melody Chabala, Assistant Principal Ms. Lindsey Hallock, Assistant Principal
Meeting Agenda
- Introductions
- Good Things (Share something good happening for you, your child(ren), etc.)
- Review of Meeting Minutes from November 21st
- Principals’ Update
- PTA Update
- Review of 24-25 Goals
- Concerns, Suggestions, Questions
- Adjournment
Date |
Time |
Location |
December 19 |
7:45 AM |
Virtual |
January 16 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
February 20 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
March 20 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
April 17 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
May 15 |
7:45 AM |
Media Center |
- Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting: January 16
JPES SIC notes 12/19/24
Virtual Meeting 7:45 a.m.
Attendance: Mr. Hayden, Ms. Sayer, Dr. Johnson, Ms. Edwards, Ms. White, Ms. Hallock, Ms. Boeree, Ms. Ferguson, Mrs. Rollison
1. Tell me something good.
a. Parents shared good things in the classroom and the Board meeting recently about Pye Book Buddies. Discussed how much we love JPES and our Principals.
b. Guidance Report:
i. Angel tree: We served 19 children on the Angel Tree.
ii. Oakbrook Rotary partnered with us and received two full bags of snacks and easy prep meals to assist over the break.
iii. Mentoring Program: The Beacons: We have nine ladies who come once a week assigned to female students. We are looking to start a male mentoring program. We’d like to do this after the break if we can find some male role models to work with our boys. We are looking for 10.
iv. Personal Body Safety lessons. All homerooms
2. Reviewed Notes from last SIC Meeting
3. Principal Reports
a. Blessing Box –
i. We have a blessing box outside of our school in the front loop. Our School Crossing Guard (Ms. Martha) helps to add items. Our Student Council also adds items and partners with Low Country Food bank job with Food Bank Mobile Pantry.
ii. We shared this with other schools.
iii. Questions: How can we share the Blessing Box at our school to make sure everyone is aware? What are other ways we can continue to sustain our Blessing Box.
1. Ms. Edwards is a member of the Lions Club. She will ask them to add our Blessing Box to their schedule.
a. There are 3 Rotary clubs (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner). We just have to ask to be added to their list.
b. Parent Square-
i. Parent Feedback: How is it going from our school?
1. Love it. We need to share how to download the app to make people aware that there is an App.
4. PTA Updates:
i. Winter Wonderland is Back! We are enjoying it and we are so thankful for our PTA.
ii. Kids are enjoying the experience.
5. Review of 24-25 Goals:
a. Unlearn to Relearn:
i. RSVP will go out this week.
ii. New dates: January 17 (K-2) and January 24 (3-5).
iii. Breakout with solving a problem. Students learning and watching parents ask questions.
iv. Reviewing New Math during the Math talk.
b. Goal: College and Career Fair for 5th grade students
i. Date: Thursday, February 20th 8:30-9:45
ii. Spreadsheet of the College and Career Groups will be shared by Ms. Edwards. It will be a live document so we can input our contacts who have confirmed they can come to the Career Fair.
iii. Set up: Volunteers (15 or 20) will rotate between classes every 10-15 minutes.
6. Concerns, Suggestions, Questions
a. None at this time
7. Adjournment
January 16th, 2024
JPES SIC notes January 16th, 2025
7:45 a.m. in Media Center
Attendance: Ms. Edwards, Ms. White, Ms. Hefner, Ms. Ferguson, Ms. Chabala, Ms. Boree, Ms. Salsman, Ms. Rollison, Dr. Johnson
1. Tell me something good:
a. Ms. White: Thank you for helping Ms. White’s daughter. She loves her school. She’s sad when there is a break. Working hard to get an achievement award. She got an award on the 28th.
b. Ms. Edwards shared how well her daughter is doing. She’s very available for learning.
c. Beanstack updates, Book
2. Reviewed Notes from last SIC Meeting
a. Ms. Edwards will reach out to male mentors in the Lunch Rotary. Ms. Chabala will put the link out.
3. Principal’s Update
a. January is a light month. November and December were very busy.
b. Awards are coming up.
c. Unlearn to Relearn
4. Unlearn to Relearn Series
a. 57 responses to the RSVP form.
b. Form closed January 10th
c. January 17th (K-2) and January 24th (3-5)
d. Times: 7:25
i. Ms. Edwards will begin with a quick talk at 7:25.
ii. Math session: number sense and Math standards
iii. Reading session: Reading strategies and why it’s important to read to their students. Will also show parents how to access Beanstack and to help their children log their minutes.
5. PTA Updates
a. PTA General Meeting:
i. Wednesday, January 22nd
ii. They will discuss all of their plans.
iii. Sneaker Ball will be discussed for February 13th.
iv. Multicultural Week plans: drive through cultural experience.
6. Career Fair February 20th
a. 8:30-9:45 am
b. Confirm January 30th to begin working
c. Reviewed the spreadsheet and updated contacts
1. Career Cluster at top
2. First/Last Name
3. Job Title
4. Company Name
d. 5th graders will have class ambassadors to greet visitors at the office.
e. Teachers will create groups and name tags with symbols to identify groups
f. Students will dress for success for Career Day
g. CORE Team will print posters
7. Concerns, Suggestions, Questions
a. SRO will be recognized at our next meeting at February 13th to celebrate SRO Recognition Day.
8. Adjournment
February 20th, 2024
JPES SIC Meeting Notes
February 28th @ 8:30 a.m. (Rescheduled from 2.15.24)
1. Updates from Dr. Johnson
a. Principal for an Hour- Child chosen to be Principal for an hour and he said the café was too
b. Café – Ways to keep the voice level down. Idea: Showing Bluey (Disney Plus)- parent approved
2. Tell me something Good:
a. Book Clubs at school/ 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 5th grade book clubs.
b. Ms. Edwards shared about 3rd grade book club. Discussed April 12th field trip to The Village @
c. Parent Book Club- We are looking at books for parents to read for a parent book club/ discussed
the benefits of parenting book clubs to share information for extra tools for parents. Shared
about education.
d. Book Recommendation- Birth Order: why you are the way you are
3. Review of January Minutes
a. College and Career Day- Wednesday, May 29th (5th grade) Time: set up is 8-9 and 9-11/ Location:
i. Reached out to Gregory Cuching for STEAM projects.
ii. Mrs. Chavis’ husband works at Boeing
iii. Using various different career clusters (16 career clusters): Website: Old:
iv. Updated: O-net interest survey:
v. Ideas – SCOIS Climb website to discover interests of students
vi. Career Clusters- Discussed who could come for each cluster.
b. New Ideas- build community- Invite Police to be lunch buddies to build community with our
March 20th, 2024
JPES SIC Meeting Notes
February 28th @ 8:30 a.m. (Rescheduled from 2.15.24)
1. Updates from Dr. Johnson
a. Principal for an Hour- Child chosen to be Principal for an hour and he said the café was too
b. Café – Ways to keep the voice level down. Idea: Showing Bluey (Disney Plus)- parent approved
2. Tell me something Good:
a. Book Clubs at school/ 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 5th grade book clubs.
b. Ms. Edwards shared about 3rd grade book club. Discussed April 12th field trip to The Village @
c. Parent Book Club- We are looking at books for parents to read for a parent book club/ discussed
the benefits of parenting book clubs to share information for extra tools for parents. Shared
about education.
d. Book Recommendation- Birth Order: why you are the way you are
3. Review of January Minutes
a. College and Career Day- Wednesday, May 29th (5th grade) Time: set up is 8-9 and 9-11/ Location:
i. Reached out to Gregory Cuching for STEAM projects.
ii. Mrs. Chavis’ husband works at Boeing
iii. Using various different career clusters (16 career clusters): Website: Old:
iv. Updated: O-net interest survey:
v. Ideas – SCOIS Climb website to discover interests of students
vi. Career Clusters- Discussed who could come for each cluster.
b. New Ideas- build community- Invite Police to be lunch buddies to build community with our
April 17th, 2024
JPES SIC Meeting Notes
February 28th @ 8:30 a.m. (Rescheduled from 2.15.24)
1. Updates from Dr. Johnson
a. Principal for an Hour- Child chosen to be Principal for an hour and he said the café was too
b. Café – Ways to keep the voice level down. Idea: Showing Bluey (Disney Plus)- parent approved
2. Tell me something Good:
a. Book Clubs at school/ 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 5th grade book clubs.
b. Ms. Edwards shared about 3rd grade book club. Discussed April 12th field trip to The Village @
c. Parent Book Club- We are looking at books for parents to read for a parent book club/ discussed
the benefits of parenting book clubs to share information for extra tools for parents. Shared
about education.
d. Book Recommendation- Birth Order: why you are the way you are
3. Review of January Minutes
a. College and Career Day- Wednesday, May 29th (5th grade) Time: set up is 8-9 and 9-11/ Location:
i. Reached out to Gregory Cuching for STEAM projects.
ii. Mrs. Chavis’ husband works at Boeing
iii. Using various different career clusters (16 career clusters): Website: Old:
iv. Updated: O-net interest survey:
v. Ideas – SCOIS Climb website to discover interests of students
vi. Career Clusters- Discussed who could come for each cluster.
b. New Ideas- build community- Invite Police to be lunch buddies to build community with our
May 15th, 2024
JPES SIC Meeting Notes
February 28th @ 8:30 a.m. (Rescheduled from 2.15.24)
1. Updates from Dr. Johnson
a. Principal for an Hour- Child chosen to be Principal for an hour and he said the café was too
b. Café – Ways to keep the voice level down. Idea: Showing Bluey (Disney Plus)- parent approved
2. Tell me something Good:
a. Book Clubs at school/ 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 5th grade book clubs.
b. Ms. Edwards shared about 3rd grade book club. Discussed April 12th field trip to The Village @
c. Parent Book Club- We are looking at books for parents to read for a parent book club/ discussed
the benefits of parenting book clubs to share information for extra tools for parents. Shared
about education.
d. Book Recommendation- Birth Order: why you are the way you are
3. Review of January Minutes
a. College and Career Day- Wednesday, May 29th (5th grade) Time: set up is 8-9 and 9-11/ Location:
i. Reached out to Gregory Cuching for STEAM projects.
ii. Mrs. Chavis’ husband works at Boeing
iii. Using various different career clusters (16 career clusters): Website: Old:
iv. Updated: O-net interest survey:
v. Ideas – SCOIS Climb website to discover interests of students
vi. Career Clusters- Discussed who could come for each cluster.
b. New Ideas- build community- Invite Police to be lunch buddies to build community with our